This Week's News

Friday 19th July


Key Dates

Monday 22nd July                 9:15-9:45 Year 2 Leavers Assembly

Tuesday 23rd July                  1:00 End of School Year- school closes


Dear Parents and Carers,

What a wonderful end to the week we had with Miss Filipiak and Miss Doyle taking over the running of the school for ‘Head Teacher for the Day’. They did an amazing job leading the assembly, checking everyone was behaving, giving out lots of stickers and giving me the opportunity to put my feet up! Although when I asked them to write today’s newsletter, they said ‘Can’t we just tell our parents what happened this week and left me to join their class in the air-conditioned Sensory room to ‘Lost and Found’.

Year 2 really impressed us with their end of year performance of ‘Mermaids and Pirates’. The show really suited them and was full of humour with an underlying message about facing our fears with the support of our friends. They all showed such confidence and we were all very proud. Thank you to all of the Year 2 staff for supporting the children to put on such a spectacular performance and to the parents and grandparents who joined us. We look forward to welcoming you to our leavers assembly at 9:15 on Monday for a final good bye.

This week we trialled our new lunch arrangements ahead of starting a new system in September. The children were very impressed with our new tables and liked being able to collect their own lunch and speak to the cooks about what they would like. 

End of year reports will be coming out this afternoon. We hope you enjoy reading about your child’s achievements this year. Please take the time to provide feedback to the teachers.

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend and look forward to seeing you for our final 2 days of term.

Tanya Mooney


Annual Reports

Your child’s end of year report will be available to view on Arbor today from approximately 4.00pm. Further information regarding how the children are assessed can be found here:

We hope you enjoy reading about your children’s achievements this year and that the report is self-explanatory.  If, however you do have any questions please do speak to your child’s class teacher.

We have sent home a letter today and we would be grateful if you could acknowledge that you have read the report and provide some feedback on its content.  Please return your completed slips to the office by Tuesday 23rd July.    


Road Closures-Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July (the last 2 days of term)

St Mary’s Road will be CLOSED to traffic between 09.30 and 15.30.  There will be pedestrian access so, if you must drive to school, please park elsewhere and walk. Please be patient and leave plenty of time for your journey and parking as there will be very limited parking in the roads around school.

Morning Fruit Snack – Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July

Unfortunately, our fruit supplier will not be delivering fruit for the last 2 days of term and therefore if you would like your child to have a snack please send in a small piece of fruit, i.e. apple, satsuma, banana.  Do not send in crisps, sweets, cakes or chocolate etc.

Lost Property

Once again, the lost property basket is overflowing with unnamed and unclaimed items! Please come and reclaim your lost items from the tables in front of the school office on Monday and Tuesday next week. Anything left after the end of term will be disposed of.

Safeguarding Notice

If you have any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing in the school or community, please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL). DSL- Tanya Mooney, Head Teacher.  Deputy DSL- Phil Copsey, Deputy Head Teacher or DSL-Kelly Matthews, Oscar and Nurture Lead.

Updates on the Website this week:

Please see our Community pages for lots of Summer Holiday activities.

There was no Stars of the Week assembly this week

Butterfly Class


Federico for being a kind & thoughtful member of Butterfly class

Selkie for being a Go for it Gorilla with independent writing 



Ladybird Class

Elliot R for great participation in sports day

Emilia for fabulous handwriting 



Bumblebee Class 

Defne for excellent progress in reading & writing

Ewan for growth in confidence speaking in front of the class


Seahorse Class


Connor for working hard this week

Johnny for always trying his best



Starfish Class

Ava for excellent writing

Jonathan for excellent participation in Yoga  


Jellyfish Class


Hanna for a great book review about Lost & Found

Isabella for fantastic movie making in Computing



Lion Class

Daniel for excellent effort in Poem writing

Luca for being a great role model 



Tiger Class

Seven for great effort in the school play

Zainab for always showing kindness 


 Leopard Class


Laon for writing a lovely poem

Thomas being brave and speaking his lines

Values Certificate

 Lucy from Starfish class for Thoughtfulness.